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The Beautiful Game
At Not Match Fit we offer players the chance to play football. Our Monday league offers men, with a BMI of over 28.5, the chance to play social football in a league with 12 teams. All of the teams include players of similar ability levels.
Our Tuesday league offer women the chance to play football in our 8 team league with players of similar ability levels.
The Thursday league is for men and women who want to play football with players of a similar skill levels and backgrounds, this league offers a unique and inclusive platform for players to enjoy the beautiful game.
We welcome older players, players who are overweight and want to get back into shape. We welcome players who have never played before, and think they have left it too late.
Our leagues are for regular players, you wont find superstar players that just run past you!
We help players build confidence and get back into the beautiful game at a pace they can manage, with friendly players who all play as part of a team.
Whether you’re a returning striker or a newcomer to the sport, everyone is welcomed with open arms to experience the thrill of competitive football in a supportive and friendly environment. Join us on the pitch for exhilarating matches, teamwork, and the joy of football, all while fostering a sense of community and sportsmanship that defines the essence of the game.
Please select the league you require:

Monday League
Monday 19:30-21:30

Thursday League
Thursdays 19:30-21:30

Women's League
Tuesday 20:30-21:30
Our Sponsors
With over 500 players involved with in the club, sponsoring a team not only gets your name out there, it’s a massive help to the club too. We offer various sponsor deals, all with custom designed kits featuring your business and brand.
Interested in sponsoring Not Match Fit?
Please contact info@notmatchfitcom or use the form below.